Everything you Need to Know About “Halal Food” - Halal Food in Japan
Written by KHAN| 2022-05-31| Halal Food in Japan

What is the meaning of Halal (حلال)
Halal is an Arabic word that means "allowed." It signifies lawful according to Islamic principles in Islamic language. It is most commonly associated with eating, however it can relate to any behavior that is allowed in Islam. Haram, also known as non-Halal, is the polar opposite of Halal. This refers to something that is forbidden according to Islamic principles. Although it is frequently associated with food, it can also allude to other illegal behaviors in Islam, such as stealing, corruption, and so on.

What is the meaning of Halal food?
Halal food refers to any food that is permissible to eat according to Islamic principles. This refers to any food that does not fall into the Haram category (or forbidden). Except for certain foods and beverages that are clearly forbidden in the Quran, all foods and beverages are Halal in Islam. Muslims all across the world consider the Quran to be the book of perfect guidance and bearing for humanity, as well as God's final revelation. In the Quran, God says (a translation):
“Eat of the good things which We have provided for you.” (Quran 2:172)
“Eat of what is lawful (Halal) and wholesome (Tayyib) on the earth.” (Quran 2:168)
“O mankind, eat from whatever is on earth [that is] lawful and good and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. Indeed, he is to you a clear enemy.” (Quran 2:168)
Although certain specific teachings differ, the general opinion is that meals and beverages must be free of pork, alcohol/intoxicants, poisons, hazardous components, and unsanitary factors. Any meat must be slaughtered according to the Zabihah techniques, which are outlined in Islamic law.
What is Muslim-friendly food or Halal-friendly food?
Although certain specific teachings differ, the general opinion is that meals and beverages must be free of pork, alcohol/intoxicants, poisons, hazardous components, and unsanitary factors. Any meat must be slaughtered according to the Zabihah techniques, which are outlined in Islamic law.
What is Mashbooh?
Mashbooh is an Arabic word that means suspicious or doubtful. If the Halal or Haram status of a food item cannot be determined, then it is Mashbooh.

What is the meaning of Zabihah?
The manner of butchering an animal according to Islamic law. This is the most merciful and pure method of slaughtering an animal for human sustenance, according to Muslims.
What is Halal Meat?
Although there are slight differences of opinion within Islamic law as to which animals are regarded Halal, the general view is that all seafood is Halal, as are herbivorous land animals slaughtered pursuant to Islamic Zabihah decisions.
What foods are Haram or non-Halal in Islam?
Except for the meals and beverages listed below, which are clearly forbidden in the Quran, all foods and beverages are considered Halal:
Alcohol and other intoxicants such as narcotics
Dead animals that were not slaughtered
Meat that was slaughtered for idols
All carnivores with teeth such as lions and tigers
All winged creatures which have claws, for example, birds of prey, hawks, vultures, falcons, and so on
Domesticated donkeys, mice, scorpions, snakes, frogs
Any animal that has died (except fish and sea creatures) before being slaughtered in the Islamic manner
What are the conditions for food and drinks to be Halal?
The meal or drink must also meet the following criteria in order to be considered halal: There is nothing in it that is haram according to shariah law (as outlined above) It had not been prepared, processed, or tainted in any way that would be considered haram. It was not prepared, processed, transported, or stored in a haram-infected facility. According to shariah law, it does not contain najis (unclean) content. It must be safe for human consumption, meaning it must not be dangerous, intoxicating, or harmful to one's health. According to shariah law, it cannot be cooked, processed, or manufactured using equipment that has been contaminated by najis or haram foods. The meat must be slain in accordance with Islamic rituals.
Information Source: crescentrating